Lunai is a robust AI infrastructure that integrates advanced technologies with your workflows, ensuring top-notch security through local data processing.

Lunai, your company's know it all assistant. In your pocket.

Transform your business with Lunai. Your multilingual colleage, who always is available and ready to help you answer, facilitate or assist. Keeps your data safe and respect your privacy. Now with multimedia support!

Safe and Robust Infrastructure

We prioritize security and stability in all our AI solutions.

Lunai, is built on a safe and robust infrastructure that combines AI technologies with scalable and secure systems. With local data processing, Lunai ensures data protection and compliance with regulations, enhancing both security and response times.

Available 24/7 and knows your business!

Customizing AI Assistants for you is our passion.

We offer the ideal combination of technology, expert training, advanced models, and a strong commitment to data privacy and security.

Advanced, tailored to you and amazing!

Building blocks for a chatbot
Our team of experts uses the latest tech available, and put it together into a AI assistant that is customized to your needs, and build upon your data, in combination with other preferred sources.

Keep your data safe

Webpages, documents, files, API to other platforms and solution.


Understands and communicate in many languages.

Real-Time Interaction and Analysis

Lunai uses state-of-the-art natural language processing and machine learning to understand and respond to user queries in real-time.

Personalized User Experience

By remembering past interactions, Lunai provides personalized responses, enhancing user satisfaction and loyalty.

Voice-Enabled Automation

Voice-enabled interactions provide a more engaging and intuitive user experience, ideal for applications across various industries.

Scalable and Flexible

Lunai is designed to scale with your business. Whether you are handling a few queries or managing millions of interactions, Lunai can adapt to your needs, ensuring consistent performance and reliability.

Privacy Policy, GDPR, Data Protection

Lunai's Integrity Policy, powered by StellAI, emphasizes your privacy, detailing our responsible data handling, including collection, use, and protection of personal information, ensuring transparency and trust.

Customize your AI Colleague

Lunai makes integrating AI chatbots into your organization not only effortless but also enjoyable. Tailoring your chatbot to align with your company's unique needs and culture is crucial for seamless communication and enhanced user engagement.

Parameters to personalize your AI Chatbot

  1. Formality
  2. Friendliness
  3. Humor
  4. Knowledge
  5. Proactivity
  6. Adaptability
  7. Autonomy
  8. Empathy
  9. Level of Interactivity
Chatbot personality


Adjust the bot's communication style to be formal or informal


Define the depth and breadth of information the bot can access and provide


Set the bot's level of independence in decision-making and recommendations


Control how friendly and welcoming the bot is


Determine how much the bot takes the initiative in conversations


Enhance the bot's ability to understand and reflect users' emotions


Set the type and amount of humor the bot uses


Make the bot adjust to user preferences and past interactions


Choose the level of engagement in conversations

Discover how Lunai can revolutionize your business today. With adaptability, security, and continuous improvement, LunAI is not just a solution – it's your partner in business growth and success.

Lunai - The perfect AI Assistant for your business

Lunai talk and help people in many different languages.

For Lunai it's easy to understand and answer in different languages. Even in the middle of a conversation.

Smart product guides and a learning platform

Instruction manual 2.0? With media support and live instructions. Lunai helps your customers with most things related to your products and services.

As well as educate your staff with your company's own voice and material.

No matter industry, there is a AI chatbot for you! 🙂
