Discover Identifai's AI Vision system and create and learn with Lunai, your intelligent assistant.

Developing Solutions with Lunai and IdentifAI

IdentifAI: Our advanced AI vision technology offers real-time detection, monitoring, and analysis. Each IdentifAI solution is customized to meet your specific needs, ensuring precise and efficient performance.

Lunai: This AI assistant platform uses the latest in natural language processing and machine learning to create intelligent, customized solutions. Our AI assistants are tailored to your data to provide personalized support, enhance productivity, and streamline operations.

Lunai, our AI Assistant Solution by Stellai

At Stellai, we leverage Lunai to develop safe and customize AI assistants tailored to meet the specific needs of your business.

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Lunai is a robust AI infrastructure that integrates advanced technologies with your workflows, ensuring top-notch security through local data processing.

This approach enhances data protection and improves response times. Supporting multiple languages, voice interactions, and multimedia capabilities, Lunai offers comprehensive and flexible solutions. It remembers past interactions for seamless communication, making it ideal for various applications, from customer service to internal support. Experience the transformative power of Lunai, designed to enhance efficiency and user experience in your organization.

Lunai: Secure AI Platform


Encryption and local data processing ensure top-notch data protection and compliance.

Advanced AI Capabilities:

State-of-the-art NLP and ML provide intelligent, efficient responses.

Long-Term Memory:

Remembers past interactions for personalized, seamless communication.

Multilingual and Multimedia Support:

Handles multiple languages and multimedia interactions, including voice and image recognition.

AI Assistants Powered by Lunai and ready for your business

Our AI assistants, powered by the Lunai platform, are designed to make your business operations smoother and more efficient. These intelligent assistants can handle customer service, manage internal support tasks, and streamline workflows, all tailored to your specific needs.

Real-Time Detection

IdentifAI by Stellai is a state-of-the-art AI solution designed to revolutionize real-time detection, monitoring, and analysis in various environments.

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IdentifAI is not just a single-purpose tool; it's a flexible, customizable system. This allows us to create tailored vision detection solutions for diverse applications.

Our system utilizes advanced computer vision algorithms, seamlessly integrated with your machinery to provide continuous, real-time monitoring. IdentifAI's offering enhanced realtime recognition, and processing tailored datasets for optimal detection.

Our technology combines hardware and software to deliver unparalleled performance.

IdentifAI offers real-time statistical insights and geo-location tracking, ensuring comprehensive monitoring and immediate action.

Furthermore, all data and statistical analyses are autonomously managed by Lunai, our generative AI assistant platform. Lunai continuously learns and processes data, providing accurate and actionable insights.

IdentifAI: Vision Platform

IdentifAI Brain:

Compact and powerful processing unit for high performance and reliability.

AI Vision:

Advanced vision system with high-resolution for precise, real-time detection and monitoring.

Cloud System:

Robust cloud infrastructure for scalable data processing and secure storage.


Comprehensive statistical analysis for insightful data interpretation.

AI Analytics:

Advanced AI-driven analytics for actionable insights and continuous improvement.

Fire Prevention in Recycling Facilities

Yes, it's true! IdentifAI helps recycling companies detect and prevent the most common cause of fires: batteries.

IdentifAI General Mobile

IdentifAI General is our innovative mobile app that seamlessly integrates Lunai's AI capabilities with IdentifAI's advanced detection technology.

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IdentifAI General

dentifAI General transforms your smartphone into a powerful tool for detection and monitoring your specific needs.

IdentifAI General is perfect for a wide range of applications. From conducting Safetywalks and ensuring order and cleanliness to iventory control and beyond.


14/8 2023

Knowit presents "our AI-driven tech" at Arendalsuka!

AI is set to be as big as the industrial revolution. It's not about if businesses and companies can benefit from AI and digital twins anymore; it's about how.


14/9 2023

Stellai presents Autonomous sorting with robotics and AI at Techpoint Kristiansand

Our experts Trygve and Kristoffer will be there to guide you and show real-life demos. Get a firsthand look at AI in action! We can't wait to share tools and insights to help your business.


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